Just One Step at a Time

One-Step-At-A-Time-800x600It really takes one single step in order that we may be able to reach his/her dreams and aspirations in life.  To dream and to aspire for something and to make it come true is easy to say than do.  As I reflect upon this reality one question popped-up into my mind; why do we never get tired of dreaming, hoping, and aspiring even though sometimes we failed to achieve our dreams in life?  In my search for answers this is what I realized; we never get tired of dreaming, hoping, and aspiring for something good because we are adequately considered seekers for happiness and for a better life.  We are born seekers.  We have also the tendency to long for something that will make us successful and complete.  So, we persevere, we work hard, and we do our very best to make our lives.  Hence, our life’s journey will never be fruitful and fulfilling unless we take one step at a time.

The path of success and contentment will never become a reality into our lives unless we hold on to the wisdom of a single step.  Thus, the old maxim is right in echoing to our consciousness this one of the lesson in life about success; “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  Despite the fact that success is sometimes demanding, the wisdom of a single step will always remind us that we should never lose our sight in hoping and chasing our dreams and aspirations in life.  Our life will never be the same like before if and only if we take a single step in order for us to move on.  Life will always be brighter every day when we always take one step at a time.

Chasing success is a road less travel.  Despite this reality one thing that I’ve learned and realized as I reflected upon the wisdom of a single step is not to give up the journey.  A single step may be insignificant on the first look, but every single step, if combined, is our assurance to move on in living our dreams that we long for.